Ted Spear June 6, 2019 Parents, All, Teachers Why Before How Ted Spear June 6, 2019 Parents, All, Teachers If we can’t answer this question, everything else is folly ….
Ted Spear May 2, 2019 Parents Ten (Big) Questions for Parents Ted Spear May 2, 2019 Parents We are so busy in the maelstrom of raising our kids, that we rarely get a chance to take a step back and ask which direction we want to head. Here is a way to get started.
Ted Spear April 25, 2019 Educators, Parents, All The Seduction of Skills Ted Spear April 25, 2019 Educators, Parents, All Schools are the advertising agency that make you believe you need society as it is …
Ted Spear April 15, 2019 Parents, Educators, All What Do Parents and Educators Most Want For Their Kids? Ted Spear April 15, 2019 Parents, Educators, All When it gets right down to the basics, what is it that we really want for our kids?